The improved composition of our PUCEM TF flooring system provides even longer life through increased wear resistance. PUCEM TF is an aromatic four-component, solvent-free, pigmented screed based on a polyurethane cement.
A Eurostep PUCEM TF floor is not only beautiful but also liquid-proof, making it the ideal floor finish for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The floor can withstand many types of acids, alkalis, salts and solvents, as well as mineral oils, kerosene, gasoline, diesel and brake fluid. In addition, a PUCEM floor also possesses extreme heat resistance.
PUCEM TF has excellent flow properties and is easy to process. In a short time, the floor achieves high strength.

PUCEM sample folder
A sample book of all our PUCEM products is also available. You can order this sample book via the website or request it from:
Torfi Már Hreinsson, +354 419 9010 or torfi@hthlausnir.is.
Netherlands and International:
Theo van der Plas, +31 653 73 76 87 or Theo@quartzline.nl
Hans Raams, +31 614 88 58 59 or Hans@quartzline.nl
Belgium and France:
Erik Meesters, +32 473 83 61 79 or Erik@quartzline.nl
Gino Cant, +32 470 65 22 80 or Gino@quartzline.nl

PUCEM L in a dairy factory
Koldijk Vloeren of Grootegast recently laid an 800 m2 PU CEM L floor in a dairy factory in the province of Groningen.
PU CEM L is an aromatic four-component, solvent-free, pigmented screed based on a polyurethane cement. PU CEM L can be used as a topcoat for PU CEM TF but also as a primer for PU CEM SL. PU CEM L can even be used as a refurbish coating for older deteriorated PU CEM floors.
PU CEM L is liquid-proof, making it the ideal floor finish for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. It excels in chemical resistance to many types of acids, alkalis, salts and solvents, as well as mineral oils, kerosene, gasoline, diesel in brake fluid. In addition, the floor is slip-resistant and heavy-duty.

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Info@quartzline.nl or torfi@hthlausnir.is